Thursday, May 5, 2011

Phyliss Rodriguez and Aisha El-Wafi: 911 Mother’s healing

1.       From this video I take away that human emotions, love, and forgiveness can triumph over any other thing. The truth behind this is the empathy Phyliss can have for Aisha even after everything Phyliss has been through because she knows Aisha, loves her son just as much as any other mother. And that just because Aisha’s son made decisions doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve love and a support system like any other person on the Earth.

2.       These women have a very strong technique of captivating the audience by telling their story with emotion and strength. They ensure with every word they put the heart wrenching pain and sorrow of what they had to go through.

3.       Their presentation style was simple. It is easy to tell that these ladies worked very hard at making sure their story was homely. Like sitting with your grandmother and having her tell you what she’s learned throughout life and how you need to take those mistakes and change them, because we are the future of the world.

4.       This video is important because it shows how you can forgive people and along with their help, things can be achieved to work with the forgiveness to fix the problem, which would have been un-resolvable alone. To me I think that these ladies are amazing, it’s inspirational to see what they have been through and how they will never stop working to improve the reproductions of 9/11. To education, it could bring people to a entirely new playing field if we never had to be so wrapped up in long time grudges. To the world, it’s like a refreshing light that has come out to show, that you don’t always have to be upset. It allows people to see how selfish the simplest acts of not giving someone sympathy can be. After all, we are all only human.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rufus Griscom and Alisa Volkman “Let’s Talk Parenting Taboos”

1. From this video I am taking away, that parenting isn’t perfect. In the world today, everyone seems to feel that parenting is perfect and will give anyone the ultimate happiness from spreading life. The truth of the matter is that’s not always true. In order to have a successful family, there will always be problems and bumps in the road. The problem is, nobody will ask for help or advice when these moments are upon us. The reality is, people need to be able to accept the truth of what happens thorough the world on a daily basis, not try and cover it up and make it pretty. We need to embrace the world of parenting and change it for the better.
2. The effective techniques in Alisa and Rufus’ TED Talk are their immense use of storytelling. They use many broad points that could have been very hard to understand. Yet, the points were very clear due to the very personal stories that are detailed in each portion of the presentation. The way each of them tell stories that are relatable to every average person, the stories from the inside world that most people don’t like to talk about, are the perfect relief. It’s always reassuring to know that ‘you are not the only one’ that has experienced something, especially embarrassing or so called ‘shameful’ experiences that are common among parenting.
3. Alisa and Rufus seem to have a very Pecha Kucha style talk. They use a great array of slides that are perfectly incorporated into their talk. With all of their ‘Taboos’ they make sure to have pictures of the truth and the fakes. It gives such a good visual that perfectly captivates the audience’s attention right of the height of Alisa and Rufus’ important points.
4. This video matters in regards to the human need for an external support system. As humans, we all have such intense emotions, it is always important to make sure we have a way to vent to someone else and get valid advice, it keeps us sane. For me this video is very relevant to my TED topic, it helped me narrow down my topic on domestic relations. To education, such complete honesty and the ability to vocalize problems would eliminate ‘the elephant in the room’ form many important situations. As to the world; parenting is one part of life that is much farther behind all other things in the modern world. It would be absolutely amazing if even the littlest aspects of parenting could be improved.
Important Links From Their Talk...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dave Eggers "Once Upon a School"

1. This video is showing the world a new idea. This idea is that children and adult can work together and benefit each other in so many ways. Giving the student the ability to work with a professional writer really enriches their overall education. By starting to combine education with professionals as the tutors, students get help with what they specifically need. It is giving them the best education available because it gives them education from the real world, not something written in a textbook. Students are more willing to work if it is for someone specifically rather than if it’s for a teacher that would give them a random letter grade.
2. Dave Eggers seems to be a very nervous speaker. He has a lot of trouble slowly going through his speech and focusing on the important parts. Dave talks extremely fast and often stumbles his own words. The problem with the way he talks about his ideas is that it really takes away from his points. His speech becomes increasingly hard to understand and in order to understand exactly what he is saying it is necessary to pay extra close attention and pause after certain snippets.
3. Dave Eggers has a very nice presentation style. The way he adds pictures of the places he is talking about are really good attention getters. The beneficial part of these pictures is when they take hold of the audience’s attention, and talk about his complex ideas. Also, the faster he talks, he more he can fit into the overall presentation
4. This video matters in the aspect that adding professionals at an early age enhances the amount we can teach to a person throughout their life. For me personally I know if I had the ability to get a local writer to tutor me, I would probably have a better grip on my work and feel more comfortable about everything I turn in and publish. For education it would bring in a new era of learning. Bringing in A new youth with more creativity started from their roots. For the world it perfectly blends with Daniel Pink’s ideas that we are changing to a creative society by teaching our youth in such a way.  

Check out sites meantioned in Dave's talk...