1. This video is showing the world a new idea. This idea is that children and adult can work together and benefit each other in so many ways. Giving the student the ability to work with a professional writer really enriches their overall education. By starting to combine education with professionals as the tutors, students get help with what they specifically need. It is giving them the best education available because it gives them education from the real world, not something written in a textbook. Students are more willing to work if it is for someone specifically rather than if it’s for a teacher that would give them a random letter grade.
2. Dave Eggers seems to be a very nervous speaker. He has a lot of trouble slowly going through his speech and focusing on the important parts. Dave talks extremely fast and often stumbles his own words. The problem with the way he talks about his ideas is that it really takes away from his points. His speech becomes increasingly hard to understand and in order to understand exactly what he is saying it is necessary to pay extra close attention and pause after certain snippets.
3. Dave Eggers has a very nice presentation style. The way he adds pictures of the places he is talking about are really good attention getters. The beneficial part of these pictures is when they take hold of the audience’s attention, and talk about his complex ideas. Also, the faster he talks, he more he can fit into the overall presentation
4. This video matters in the aspect that adding professionals at an early age enhances the amount we can teach to a person throughout their life. For me personally I know if I had the ability to get a local writer to tutor me, I would probably have a better grip on my work and feel more comfortable about everything I turn in and publish. For education it would bring in a new era of learning. Bringing in A new youth with more creativity started from their roots. For the world it perfectly blends with Daniel Pink’s ideas that we are changing to a creative society by teaching our youth in such a way.
Check out sites meantioned in Dave's talk...
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