1. I took away many important things from Clay’s video. Most prominently, Clay made it very clear that a huge problem in society is being able to have empathy for others in a business like situation. When he showed the statistics of the day care scenario and discussed the workings behind the human action in the situation, it showed the subconscious actions of all the parents involved. Like Clay said, the parents were feeling the extra $10 payment would cover the day care instructors for however long they needed and it was no big deal. In my opinion, the underlying point Clay was trying to make is that, situations like these lack empathy for the needs and wants of the others affected. I’m sure none of the parents even thought twice about the fact that the teachers had families and lives to go home and deal with, which is why the parents acted the way they did. This is so apparent because if the parents did think about it, a subconscious, humanly guilt would have built inside if they’d known the huge cause and effect they were starting. Basically, the human empathy needs to improve for the social system to be able to.
2. Clay mostly had one, strong, straight-forward speaking technique; to back his points up with information. Every time he had a strong point to make, Clay would always through some kind of number or statistic out, to make his idea sound more believable/studied. I personally think facts always have a strong impact on the listeners; it helps captivate and convince them. I think Clay did a fabulous job of using facts to support his views. Yet, I found one of his statistics as a bit of a reach. At one point Clay stated that a person has over a trillion hours a year of free time. I highly disagree with this statement (as I may have mentioned in class). Due to my strong feelings on the subject I decided to research more. Here is what I found…..
The average person has 5.8 hours a day to do leisure activities (free time). I created a mathematical equation to compare this data to Clay’s…
Free Time per Year= Average Hours Free per Day x Days in a week x Weeks in a Year.
2,111.2= (5.8) x (7) x (52)
In other words, the average American only has 2,11.2 free hours per year, NOT, 1 trillion.
Well, enough said.
3. Clay’s presentation was like most other TED Talks, he had his very clean-cut PowerPoint. The difference that makes Clay stand out is the inclusion of his graphs. For me personally it is much more effective to be able to look at data and see how the pattern changes over time. The way Clay included the visual and oral aspect of data sharing, everyone in his audience was reached.
4. In this video, social/business interactions matter. People need to start thinking more as they act through their daily routines and every interaction they have. People need to work on their ability to think of how everything they do starts a chain reaction. For me, it means to have stronger relationships with everyone and causing less communication mistakes. For education, it means to use the time more effectively, to take into consideration who is teaching and those being taught. For the world, it would be a smooth running society with many less ‘operator errors’. Everyone would be able to sing ‘koom-bi-ahh’ because empathy would mean less emotional stress which means a happier society.
"American Time Use Survey Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 22 June 2010. Web. Apr. 2011. <http://www.bls.gov/news.release/atus.nr0.htm>.
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