1. This video shows that education is personal. I believe a main point being explained in this video is that education is such a huge part of life and it should be personalized. Not only to allow individuals to keep the important aspects of creativity that everyone is supposedly born with, but also to enhance the differences in everyone’s brains. In the video, Ken gives examples of people that were given the chance to have a personalized education (like the dancer) and how much they flourished from being able to embrace what their specific brain focused on.
2. Ken uses a lot of different, effective speaking techniques. The biggest thing he seems to use to get the attention of his audience is by telling jokes. Every time Ken tells a joke, it is very obvious that the crowd seems to lighten up and become more interested in what he is saying. By getting the audience’s attention with a joke, he can then quickly move into his important points while they are still listening. This seems to be a very effective way of getting his points across.
3. Ken’s presentation style is simple, yet captivating. When Ken addresses the audience, he tries to be relatable. He doesn’t try to show off with his extreme knowledge or crazy technologies. By keeping his presentation simplistic, everyone can easily understand what he saying and therefore his purpose is more widely spread.
4. What matters in this video it that realization that ever individual needs to take education into their own hands and personalize their life to fit their needs and way of learning. This video connects to me personally because my dream was to go to a performing arts high school and be a dance major. If I had my dream I would currently attend (http://dsa.dpsk12.org/ ) I would be able to live my dream each and every day; I would be able to learn in a way that was personal. Taking Ken’s views into account, education could change drastically. Students wouldn’t be called weird for be themselves, everyone could express themselves and be different from the overall ‘pack’. In regards to the world, you could walk down the street and no to people would be the same. Also, everyone in the world would have a different knowledge, the world as a whole would be smarted because with a personal education, there if more opportunity for learning. Who knows what could be resolved with that much intelligence, the cure to cancer? A teleportation device? A robot dog? Genetic engineering? Anything and everything changes with even the smallest movement in education.
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